John Polkinghorne – Did God Create from Nothing?

Can Science Investigate Miracles? John Lennox at the Veritas Forum

Do the Laws of Nature Preclude the Possibility of Miracles?

World’s Most Famous Atheist Accepts Existence of God because
of Science

World’s foremost academic Atheist changes his mind (Antony Flew)

The Missing Links in the Fossil Record

Does “Junk DNA” Disprove Intelligent Design?

What is the Big Debate for the Origin of Life?

Could the Appearance of “Design” in the World be Just an Illusion?

Why is It Important to Realize That the Information in DNA
is not just Complex but Specific?

What Naturalistic Theories Have Been Proposed to Answer
the Question of the Origin of Life?

What is the Main Argument for “Intelligent Design”?

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